Sir Christopher Zeeman Archive

Christopher Zeeman

Published between
Title Author(s) Credits Publication date

Correction to: "On regular neighbourhoods"

J. F. P. Hudson and E. C. Zeeman Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 21:513-524, 1970. November 1970

Breaking of Waves

E. C. Zeeman Proceedings of the Symposium on Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Lecture Notes in Mathematics Volume 206, 1971, pp 2-6 January 1971

A catastrophe machine

E. C. Zeeman in Towards a Theoretical Biology 4, Ed. C.H. Waddington, 275-282, Edinburgh Univ. Press 4, 1972. January 1972

An Essay on Dynamical Systems

E. C. Zeeman Warwick Preprint, from report to Science Research Council on 1968-71 programme of differential equations at Warwick (1972) May 1972

CËš-Density of Stable Diffeomorphisms and flows

E. C. Zeeman Warwick Preprint (1973) October 1973

Research, ancient and modern

E. C. Zeeman Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 10:272-281 (1974) January 1974

Primary and secondary waves in developmental biology

E. C. Zeeman Some mathematical questions in biology, VI (Proc. Eighth Sympos., Mathematical Biology, San Francisco, 1974), 69-161, Lectures on Math. in the Life Sciences, 7, Amer. Math. Soc., 1974. January 1974

On the unstable behaviour of stock exchanges

E. C. Zeeman J. Math. Econom. 1:39-49 (1974) March 1974

Applications of catastrophe theory

E. C. Zeeman Manifolds-Tokyo 1973 (Proc. Internat. Conf., Tokyo, 1973), 11-23. Univ. Tokyo Press, 1975. January 1975

Prison disturbances

E. C. Zeeman Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences (Proceedings of the Conference held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, April 21-25, 1975. Edited by P. Hilton.) 402-406, Lecture Notes in Math. 525, Springer-Verlag, 1976 January 1976

Euler buckling

E. C. Zeeman Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences (Proceedings of the Conference held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, April 21-25, 1975. Edited by P. Hilton.) 373-395, Lecture Notes in Math. 525, Springer-Verlag, 1976 January 1976

Duffing's equation in brain modelling

E. C. Zeeman Symposium on Excitement in Mathematics (Cambridge, 1975), Bull. Inst. Math. Appl. 12:207-214 (1976) January 1976

The classification of elementary catastrophes of codimension ≤ 5

D. J. A. Trotman and E. C. Zeeman Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences (Proceedings of the Conference held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, April 21-25, 1975. Edited by P. Hilton.) 263-327, Lecture Notes in Math. 525, Springer-Verlag, 1976 January 1976

Some models in the social sciences

C. A. Isnard and E. C. Zeeman in The use of models in the social sciences, Ed. L. Collins, 44-100, Tavistock Press, London, 1976 January 1976

Gastrulation and formation of somites in amphibia and birds

E. C. Zeeman Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences, 396--401, Lecture Notes in Math., Vol. 525, Springer, Berlin, 1976 January 1976

Catastrophe theory

E. C. Zeeman Proc. Roy. Inst. Gt. Brit. 49:77-92 (1976) January 1976

Brain modelling

E. C. Zeeman Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences (Proceedings of the Conference held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, April 21-25, 1975. Edited by P. Hilton.) 367-372, Lecture Notes in Math. 525, Springer-Verlag, 1976 January 1976

The umbilic bracelet and the double-cusp catastrophe

E. C. Zeeman Structural stability, the theory of catastrophes and applications in the sciences (Proceedings of the Conference held at Battelle Seattle Research Center, April 21-25, 1975. Edited by P. Hilton.) 328-366, Lecture Notes in Math. 525, Springer-Verlag, 1976 January 1976

Catastrophe theory

E. C. Zeeman Scientific American, 4, 1976, 65-83 April 1976

A clock and wavefront model for the control of repeated structures during animal morphogenesis

J. Cooke and E. C. Zeeman J. Theoretical Biology 58:455-476 (1976) May 1976