аĿª½±announces President-Designate

The London Mathematical Society is pleased to announce Professor Terry Lyons, FRS, Wallis Professor of Mathematics, University of Oxford, as President-Designate. Professor Lyons will take over from the current President, Dr Graeme Segal, FRS, in November 2013.

Professor Lyons has been at Oxford since 2000, having previously held positions at Imperial College London and the University of Edinburgh. He is also a founding member and current Director of the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance and previously the Director of the Wales Institute of Mathematical and Computational Science. Professor Lyons researches in stochastic analysis, the area of mathematics which focuses on providing tools for describing high dimensional and interacting random systems. His research has contributed to the pure mathematical foundations, and to applications, for example: providing efficient new methods for numerical calculation and novel ways to summarise vast data sets effectively. He is supported by European and UK research councils as well as by commercial funds.  He coordinated three European network projects that have helped to build stochastic analysis across Europe. Professor Lyons was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society in 2002.

Professor Lyons said, ‘It is a tremendous honour to be asked to take over the prestigious office of аĿª½±President. These are challenging times for mathematics and in particular for mathematics research and education. It is vitally important that we continue to promote and extend mathematical knowledge and ensure it continues to have an effective impact on our society. I am looking forward to working with аĿª½±members and the wider mathematics community to continue to build on the excellent work towards this goal by Graeme and his colleagues’.

Dr Graeme Segal, said, ‘I am delighted that Terry has accepted the nomination to become the next аĿª½±President. He has forged a hugely successful career in mathematics and has been at the forefront of developing several high profile organisations. The аĿª½±is confident that his wide knowledge, expertise and leadership skills will help the аĿª½±to grow and continue to benefit the mathematics community’.Â