Society Meeting at the Joint Mathematics Meeting 2021

Virtual Joint Mathematics Meeting, co-hosted by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) and the Mathematical Association of America (MAA)
Start date
Meeting Date
аĿª½±Lecture: Sarah Zerbes (UCL)

Society Meeting at the Joint Mathematics Meeting 2021

7 January 2021; 10.00 – 11.00 (Mountain Standard Time) / 17.00 – 18.00 pm (Greenwich Mean Time).

The аĿª½±Lecture is aimed at a general mathematical audience. All interested, whether аĿª½±members or not, are most welcome to attend this event.

The meeting forms part of the programme of the Joint Mathematics Meeting conference 2021.



17.00Ìý Opening of the Meeting & Society Business

аĿª½±Lecture: Sarah Zerbes (UCL)

Special values of L-functions.

Abstract: L-functions are one of the central objects of study in number theory. There are many beautiful theorems and many more open conjectures linking their values to arithmetic problems. The most famous example is the conjecture of Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer, which is one of the Clay Millenium Prize Problems. ÌýI will discuss this conjecture and some related open problems, and I will describeÌýsome recent progress on these conjectures, using a tool called `Euler systems’.


For further details about the Society Meeting, the Joint Mathematics Meeting Conference and to register for a place, please visit