Past, Current and Forthcoming Research Workshops

The Society has supported these Workshops through its Research Workshops Grant Scheme, which is administered by the .

Forthcoming Workshops supported by the Society


13-17 July 


Past Workshops

Year Title  Institution
2014 London Optimisation Workshop King's College London
2014 Operator Methods in Harmonic Analysis Queen's University Belfast
2014 Shrinking Domains Gregynog Hall
2014 Stochastic Processes and Differential Equations in Infinite Dimensional Spaces King's College London
2013 Cohomology in Lie Theory, Oxford
2013 Innovative Space-Time Parallel Methods: Analysis and Applications Manchester
2013 Edge Days: Classical Problems from the Modern Perspective Edinburgh
2013  Symmetry and Geometry of Branes in String/M Theory Durham
2012 Beijing-London Workshop on Stochastic Analysis King's College London
2012 Developments in Coupling York
2012 Critical Transitions in Complex Systems Imperial College
2011 Geometry & Physics Durham
2011 Computing Research to Advance Mathematics Edinburgh
2011 Modern Approaches to Dynamical Integrability Portsmouth
2010 Lattice Expansions and Relation Algebra Reducts UCL
2009 Dehn Filling Day Warwick
2008 Degenerate Reaction-Diffusion Systems Arising in Solvent Diffusion and Biological Models Brunel
2008 Clouds and Turbulence Exeter
2007 Chow Motives, Quadratic Forms and Algebraic GroupsÂ’ QUB