аĿª½±Newsletter survey update

The аĿª½±Newsletter was completely redesigned in 2017, incorporating mathematical feature articles as well as other new content. The Newsletter is available to all as a PDF on the аĿª½±website, and in print to members who still wish to receive it that way.

Since the relaunch of the аĿª½±Newsletter, the way all publications are received and read has changed dramatically, alongside a greater focus on environmental sustainability. аĿª½±Council surveyed members to understand how the Newsletter is read and what level of priority it has compared with other аĿª½±activities. The survey was conducted online between 30 November and 21 December 2022, following an all-member email. 

The survey was completed by 439 respondents over a three-week period. The main purpose of the survey was to help determine the future of the print Newsletter and the Newsletter frequency. The results were very supportive of continuing to print for those members who opt in, notwithstanding the desire to be more sustainable as an organisation.  Members were also asked about the frequency of the Newsletter.  Most accepted that reducing the frequency from 6 issues per year to 4 and continuing to print would be preferable to ceasing print altogether. The responses also recognised the value associated with the print Newsletter but there was an acceptance that moving more online is inevitable over time. There were also many supportive comments from members about what they enjoyed about the Newsletter content and format.

аĿª½±Council has taken note of the response from members and has made the decision to continue to budget for printing for the next three years, assuming overall income remains stable during this time, with a reduction in the number of issues from 6 to 4 per year. The issues will be published in September, December, February and May. Council also asked that the online presence of the Newsletter be reviewed to improve digital access. It was felt that this compromise would enable the Newsletter Board to maintain the quality of the Newsletter, support those members who really appreciate print, and go some way towards achieving the desired reductions in carbon footprint and costs.  

The results of the survey can be found here.

Professor Cathy Hobbs

Last updated 25 May 2023