
Computer Aided Proofs

Updated November 2024

The London Mathematical Society supports the publication of work which relies on computer aided proofs. In compliance with the Society's Ethical Policy for Journals, such articles should be explicit about the role of the computer-aided calculation with clear indications in the main body of the article as to where and in what way these have been used.

Any code and other supplementary files underpinning the proof, must be made available either by depositing these files in an established, external repository, or submitting the files with their manuscript as supplementary material to be published with the article (see the Society鈥檚 Data Access Policy for more information).

Any code must be properly commented and should be written up to the standards of 'transparent surveyable code', meaning that an interested person can readily check that the code is essentially operating as claimed, with efforts made to minimise possible sources of error such as round-off error.

Articles will be reviewed to the usual high standards of the 新澳开奖journals, and while the code may not be verified line by line, it will be examined to ensure it is compatible with the policy described above.