CMS Consultations on National Academy and Connected Centres Network

The Council for the Mathematical Sciences (CMS), with the support of Professor Andrew Noyes, Chair of the Joint Mathematical Council of the UK, is consulting on proposals for a National Academy and a Connected Centres Network. Full details are available on the CMS website . We strongly encourage members to submit individual responses to this consultation. The deadline for responses is 21st January 2022. A Townhall meeting will take place on 11th January 2022 details of which will be available on the CMS website in due course, where you can also register for this event. There will be an opportunity for input from institutions in the mathematics community at a later stage.

Professor Ulrike Tillmann, President of the London Mathematical Society, said: 'I would like to strongly encourage members to engage with the consultation, especially the green paper for the National Academy. It is clear that we need a forum and a strong voice for the mathematical sciences in the UK and this might be our moment for it. But we also need to get it right! Please make your voice heard and respond directly to the consultation on the CMS website. Of course, we would also like to know what our members think, so if you are happy to do so, please copy the Society into your response by cc-ing it – just for our information - to'.