аĿª½±member recognised in King's Birthday Honours 2024

Congratulations to Professor Anne Christine Davis OBE for her award in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours for services to Higher Education and to Scientific Research.

Anne is Professor of Mathematical Physics, University of Cambridge. She was a member-at-large of the аĿª½±Council from 2020 to 2022 and a member of the Committee for Women and Diversity in Mathematics from 2014 to 2022. She also chaired the Good Practice Scheme Steering Group from 2018 to 2022. This scheme provides support for departments working towards Athena SWAN Award status. In this role, Anne helped to organise and chaired workshops on such topics as the Athena SWAN Charter, support for mathematicians during the pandemic, and EDI and the Research Excellence Framework.

The аĿª½±would also like to send congratulations to wider members of the mathematical community for their honours:

Paul Fannon OBE - Fellow, Christ's College, Cambridge, and Volunteer, United Kingdom Mathematics Trust.
For services to Education.
Professor Ian Melvyn Hall OBE - Professor of Mathematical Epidemiology and Statistics, University of Manchester and Senior Principal Modeller, UK Health Security Agency.
For services to Public Health, to Epidemiology and to Adult Social Care, particularly during Covid-19.
Bruno James Michael Reddy OBE - Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Maths Circle, Ampthill, Bedfordshire.
For services to Education.