Fairness and Diversity in Statistical Sciences (UCL and LMS)

Online, hosted by UCL
Start date
Meeting Date
Corinna Hertweck (Zurich), Shakir Mohammed (Deep Mind); Maria Skoularidou (Cambridge), Marc Deisenroth, (UCL), Rebecca Hubbard (Pennsylvania), Eugénie Hunsicker (Loughborough)

The goal of the meeting is to bring together ideas for improving fairness and diversity of statistical practice and culture in the work place

Programme (All times are UK local time (UTC + 1)         Welcome

10.00-10.55       On the Moral justification of Statistical Parity
Corinna Hertweck

11.00-11.55       TBC
Shakir Mohammed

Fairness and diversity in the workplace

13:30-14:45       Panel Discussion

Maria Skoularidou

Marc Deisenroth

Rebecca Hubbard

Eugénie Hunsicker

14.45-15.00       Break

15.00-15.30       Discussion Groups

15:30 - 16:00     Summary and closing remarks

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