Sir Christopher Zeeman Archive

Christopher Zeeman

Published between
Title Author(s) Credits Publication date

Unknotting combinatorial balls

E. C. Zeeman Ann. of Math. (2) 78:501-526 (1963) November 1963

Non-triangulable polyhedral manifolds

E. C. Zeeman Arch. Math. 14:65-69 (1963) December 1963

Relative Simplicial Approximation

E. C. Zeeman Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 60:39-43 (1964) January 1964

On the Dunce Hat

E. C. Zeeman Topology 2:341-358 (1964) January 1964

Causality Implies the Lorentz Group

E. C.Zeeman J. Mathematical Phys. 5:490-493 (1964) April 1964

On regular neighbourhoods

J. F. P. Hudson and E. C. Zeeman Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 14:719-745 (1964) October 1964

On combinatorial isotopy

J. F. P. Hudson and E. C. Zeeman Inst. Hautes Études Sci. Publ. Math. 19:69-94 (1964) December 1964

Topology of the brain

E. C. Zeeman in Mathematics and computer science in biology and medicine, Medical Research Council, UK, 1965, 277-292 January 1965

Twisting Spun Knots

E. C. Zeeman Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 115 (1965), 471-495 March 1965


E.C. Zeeman in University Choice, Penguin Books, Baltimore, 1966 January 1966


E. C. Zeeman and M. W. Hirsch Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 72:113-115 (1966) January 1966

A topological theory of the brain

E. C. Zeeman preprint (1966) August 1966

Mathematics and creative thinking

E. C. Zeeman Psychiatric Quarterly 40, 1966, 348-354, State Hospitals Press, Utica, NY. Reprinted in Mathematics in School, Math Assoc, 1(2) 1972, 3-5, and in the Tanzanian Mathematical Bulletin, Dec1972, 12-18. December 1966

Piecewise linear transversality

M. A. Armstrong and E. C. Zeeman Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 73:184-188 (1967) January 1967

The topology of Minkowski space

E. C. Zeeman Topology 6:161-170 (1967) April 1967

How to reverse the brain drain in maths

E. C. Zeeman New Scientist, 4, May 1967, 273-264 May 1967

Transversality for piecewise linear manifolds

M. A. Armstrong and E. C. Zeeman Transversality for piecewise linear manifolds, Topology 6:433-466 (1967) November 1967

Tolerance spaces and the brain

E. C. Zeeman and O. P. Buneman in Towards a Theoretical Biology: 1. Prolegomena. Ed. C.H. Waddington, An IUBS Symposium, Aldine, 140-151, 1968. January 1968

Mathematics or Experiment

G. Brindley and E. C. Zeeman Mathematics Teaching, Bull. Assoc. Teachers of Mathematics, 44, 1968 January 1968

A mathematical explanation of creativity

E. C. Zeeman The Brain (BBC publication) Oct. 10, 1968 October 1968